North Carson Home School Cooperative
A volunteer cooperative for home school families to meet parent's and children's individual goals and needs.
Classes beginning September 5 to November 14
Classes are held on Fridays for 10 weeks beginning at 9:15 a.m. and each last for 55 minute. All classes are by approximate age, please read descriptions and check with instructor.
Forms you will need in order to Enroll:
****Not every form is needed by every family. Please read each description and print those that are applicable to you. By printing them you agree that no changes have been made to any form for the purpose of North Carson Home School Cooperative.
You will need to complete a form ONLY if your child has an allergy or medical conern that we will need to know about. One form will need to be completed for each child you have medical or allergy concerns for. You will need to provide one form to each of your child's teachers and to the leadership at North Carson Homeschool Cooperative.
This cooperative is ran by voluteer parents who have all agreed to keep an eyeful watch on their children. At times we will make a decision to leave our child in the care of someone else at the co-op. We all must agree to the following terms:
** By enrolling your children in North Carson Home School Co-op, you agree to the following: North Carson Home School Co-op, its members and instructors, and Church on North Carson Street assume no liability and make no assumptions of risk for anyone attending North Carson Home School Co-op. In addition, parents are directly responsible for the actions of their children. Compensation for injury or damages, either deliberate or accidental, shall be borne entirely by the responsible family. If you need to leave the co-op for any reason you must notify and make aware to another responsible adult of this fact, leave proper contact information and arrive back at the scheduled/agreed upon time to gather your child. This is a cooperative homeschool and by signing you agree to work together to helping your child/children receive an exceptional education. In an effort to keep our families as healthy as possible, please keep your children home if they have any apparent signs of illness. There is no make-up policy or monetary refund for missed classes. In classes requiring homework, it is the responsibilityof the parent or student to obtain missed lessons.
By enrolling your child(ren) in North Carson Home School Cooperative you agree to have read the Hold Harmless Agreement, completed a Medical Allergy form, if applicable, know this is a parent volunteer program, agree to help clean-up, bring a snack to share, or/and participate in a positive way for all to benefit. You further agree not to alter the form in any manner. Print, complete, and bring with you on registration day. Keep a copy for your records.
If you would like to teach but are unsure how to get started send an email to . ***Find out if the class is already being offered, ***see if there is any other parents interested, ***and get someone to volunteer with you. This helps if you are ill, on vacation, or need a helper in the class. If the class is being offered, volunteer to assist that teacher!!
Please take a look at the form to request to teach or volunteer. You can bring it on registration day or email the form to